How to FFXIV Housing?

FFXIV Housing

Housing is a very complicated process in Final Fantasy 14, as it has many aspects. Players can purchase a house with other players, or on their own.

They can purchase a house with those who are in Free Company, and they can place many items in it as well. A house in Final Fantasy 14 can be used for many activities like Gardening.

Overview of FFXIV Housing

Topic Description Link
Final Fantasy XIV Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing. Final Fantasy XIV
Gameplay The game features a rich story-driven. Gameplay
Expansion Packs The game has several expansion packs. Expansion Packs
Social Features The game includes various social features. Social Features
Graphics The game has stunning visuals. Graphics
Soundtrack The game has a critically acclaimed soundtrack. Soundtrack
Fan Community The game has a dedicated fan. Fan Community
Streaming FFXIV is a popular game. Streaming
E-Sports The game has an active e-sports scene. E-Sports

FFXIV Housing


FFXIV Housing FFXIV Housing

There are also crafting workshops, where players usually build airships and work on other projects.

If a player FFXIV housing wants to get a house, then they FFXIV housing  must raise the rank of Free Company to 6. This will make them entitled for Land Acquisition.

Zones & Wards

There are four zones in housing:
  1. Mist
  2. Lavende Beds
  3. Goblet
  4. Shirogane

These zones are located in La Noscea, The Black Shroud, Thanalan, and Hingashi respectively. When entering a residential zone, a player has to choose the ward they want to enter; they will find choices in a drop down menu.

Acquiring a House in Final Fantasy 14

In order to acquire a house, a player has to fulfill a set of requirements:

  • They have to character with level 50, in at least one of the classes
  • They should be a Second Lieutenant in 1 Grand Companies (This is for personal housing), or have a Rank 6 in Free Company (this is for Free Company Housing)
  • A player in a Free Company can have only 1 house, and if they want two houses, then they need to either create a Free Company or lead it

Purchasing Land for the House

Speak to the NPC who takes the players out of the wards, on the availability of plots. They can also select the aetheryte in Aetheryte Plaza, by selecting ‘Go to specified  ward’.

However, most players do find it very difficult to get an available plot, especially in the size that they want. The website, on the other hand, lists down the plots available on a daily basis, so it would be best to check it out.

When the player is done looking for a plot, then they should select a ward and go there. They can check out the number of their plot on the map, as it could be in the subdivision or original area.

Make note that when a user vacates a plot, it doesn’t become available right away, even when you purchase it. There is a timer that you can’t see, which needs to expire before the land can be repurchased by another player.

Building a Home on the Plot

When the plot is ready to be used, then the player needs to get a housing permit, so that they can build a house on their plot. A player usually has about 45 days to do so, or else they will lose the land. The player can choose from small cottage, medium house, and a large mansion; the player needs different Gil available for them.

While building a house in Final Fantasy 14, the player would have to choose the interior, exterior, wood, stone and much more.

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