The Huawei Mate 30 models are the next expected and one of the most awaited flagship smartphones from the Chinese manufacturer. In this page, you are going to know about Unlocking Bootloader on Huawei Mate 30.
This mate 30 series will be introduced soon, it is confirmed to launch on September 19th in Munich, Germany. Isn’t it hard to Unlocking Bootloader on Huawei Mate 30?
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Unlocking Bootloader on Huawei Mate 30
While Google and Huawei have promised to support phones currently available in the market, but Google confirmed that this support will not apply to the Mate 30 series and it won’t be shipped with licensed Google apps and services.
It is heard that recently Huawei company decided to take a rude step by making a stop to official bootloader unlock possibilities on any of the Huawei Devices. ‘Do these steps on your own risk, as Huawei has blocked most of the methods to Unlock Bootloaders, your warranty can void.’ Make sure to back up your phone before applying the process of Unlocking Bootloader.
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What you need to Unlock Bootloader on Huawei device, you’d need a laptop or a PC. Charge your device fully or charge it enough to avoid any problem during the boot process.
Your phone will be formatted completely so take a full backup of your personal data.
Note your IMEI number and also note the ProductId.
Download Huawei USB Drivers and download and extract ABD and Fastboot Tools.
Unlocking Bootloader on Huawei Mate 30
- Go to the Developer options in the setting and Enable OEM unlock.
- Save the unlock code somewhere safe.
- Open the ABD and Fastboot folder and open the command prompt window/PowerShell by holding SHIFT + Mouse Right Click.
- Turn off your phone and Press Volume Up and Power button at the same time to open Fastboot mode.
- Now unlock your bootloader with this command: fastboot OEM unlocks ******. Replace the ***** with the individual unlock code you purchased.
- Once it is done, you can reboot your phone.
That’s it, you’re done Unlocking Bootloader on Huawei Mate 30 device.