Each and every person is using the internet nowadays. Every house has Internet, every office, every institution, every restaurant you go, you will find the Internet everywhere. Top 5 Best Internet Speed Checkers. The demand for internet is increasing day by day. So people do check if they are getting the internet speed they are paying for not.
Top 5 Best Internet Speed Checkers
There are various sites and software to check your internet speed. I will let you know their names. They all provide you the service of Internet Speed Test.
SpeedSmart Speed Test
SpeedSmart is a great little app that offers a handy HTML5 option for you to test your internet speed. It does not rely on the Flash.
Once you connect to the site it will determine your IP location instantly. You can then have it analyze your internet latency. Download and upload speeds, as you would expect.
Speed Check and WiFi Finder
Speed Check is a great option for your mobile phone whilst out and about. Brought to you from SpeedSpot, this lovingly designed application will give you all the basic information you really need. It will show you your upload speed and download speed. But also let you save it for later reference.
Internet Health Test
Internet Health Test is a great tool for finding out your internet speed, and it is so simple to use. As you go into the site, a pop-up will ask you if you would like to begin. Once accepted and authorized, Internet Health Test will start its five step process and analyze your internet connection.
Xfinity Speed Test
Xfinity Speed Test is a great tool to help you check your internet speed. This is another browser based one but it will let you quickly find out your download and upload speeds. This product is produced by the Internet service provider Comcast.
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Owned by nonother than Netflix, fast.com does exactly what it says on the tin. It doesn’t mess around, loads quickly and begins analyzing your Internet speed before you know it.
These were some of the best websites/apps that help you with your internet speed test. Give these a try and let me know which one is the best for you.