There are lots of way to save webpages to view later. Imagine, you are busy right now and you have seen a very helpful page, you wish to save that page to see later, then how will you do that? Simply with some feed reader extensions/apps. You can do this with extensions and apps whatever you like. But, I suggest extensions for see webpages later are the most nicest thing in the world of Internet. Well, In this post we are gonna talk about RSS Feed Reader Extension. Did you know what’s that extension for? Obviously to see webpages later. I think you should continue reading if you are really interested in such kind of extensions.
Why use RSS Feed Reader?
hhmm, Good question isn’t it? When you are gonna introduce something new to your friends or family, Mostly asked question is “Why use?”. In my defense RSS Feed Reader is a complete package of saving time. RSS Feed Reader is a simple and pretty way of keeping track of your latest RSS and atom feeds. RSS Feed Reader allows you to easily get in touch/informed by retrieving the latest content from the sites you are interested in. RSS Feed Reader saves your time by not needing to visit each site individually. It’s great fun with RSS Feed Reader, you ensure your privacy, by not needing to join each site’s email newsletters.
Following are the benefits of RSS Feed Reader:
- Save time and money with RSS Feed Reader.
- Get in touch with each sites you are interested in by retrieving the latest content.
- Ensure your privacy without joining each site’s email newsletters.
- Your inbox will be empty if you use RSS Feed Reader instead of subscribing to newsletters.
- Using RSS Feed Reader is really easy and user friendly. No logins or signups required.
- You can change color of widget. But, there are not many colors to change limited edition only. Light/Dark.
How to Add RSS Feed Reader Extension?
So, now you have been completely familiar with RSS Feed Reader, and I think you are pretty much interested to add/install this extension. If you really are, then it’s not too late to add/install this extension. Don’t know how to add or use this extension? Simply click RSS Feed Reader to get extension, and follow the instructions below:
- First of all, sign in to your Google account, click the link above to get RSS Feed Reader.
- Click on “Add to Chrome” button.
- After a while, Google will ask your permission for add extension.
- You are done! you have added RSS Feed Reader extension to the chrome.
How to Use RSS Feed Reader Extension:
I hope you are following the instructions carefully and I also hope you have successfully installed RSS Feed Reader to your chrome. Now it’s time for how to use RSS Feed Reader Extension. Installation are easy but it’s a little bit hard to understand how to use? Don’t worry I will walk you through this, just again follow the guidelines carefully to understand the value of RSS Feed Reader extension which is very easy and helpful. With screenshots? Yes!
- Now as you can see, after adding the extension, there is a tiny + button at the top right corner on the extension, which comes whenever you visit a new site. just like this:
- Whenever you visit one of your favorite site this tiny + will show up on the extension. By clicking the button, you can see there are some suggested feeds to follow in the extension, and you can also follow your favorite site.
- You can also search for your favorite websites, by following them you will get their latest feeds content.
- Did you remember? You can manage the color of the widget. for this go to settings of the extension, click on Dark color if you like.
- You can also delete a feed, for this you just simply click on the bottom-right corner, and click on edit button, there you go! just delete the feed if you don’t want to get in touch any longer.