It’s easy to jump into VR with your new headset, but you need to do something quickly before you can have fun in another world. This guide will show you everything you need to do before installing the headset, so you’ll be guaranteed a good time!
How to assemble your Gear VR
Your Gear VR comes in a few pieces. you should be:
- A plastic visor
- A long strap
- A short strap with a plastic hook
- A flexible tag with Samsung on the bottom side
- Two AAA batteries
- A motion controller
- A wrist strap for the motion controller
- A micro USB adapter
- A USB-C adapter (connected when sending)
Here’s how to put one together for use with your headband.
- Take a small strap with a plastic hook, and attach the plastic end to the small metal bar on the plastic visor, with the front of the headset facing up.
- Slide the flexible tag on the long strap so that the Samsung logo is on the right
- Insert slots on either side of the plastic visor on either side of the long strap so that the velcro parts face the outer part.
- Attach the short strap to the velcro in the middle of the long strap
- Place the batteries in the motion controller
- Attach the wrist strap to the motion controller by threading it through the hole under the battery cover then reconnect the battery cover.
- Insert the gear VR controller into the flexible tag on your side strap
Congratulations, your headband has been assembled! When you attach the headset, it will need to be adjusted slightly so that it fits you perfectly.
How to install Gear VR software on your Galaxy S8 or S9
Your phone does not come with pre-installed Gear VR software, so you need to download it. To do this, you must:
- Insert your phone into Gear VR
- Wait for the voice to instruct you to remove the phone
- Remove your phone from Gear VR
- Read the agreement on the screen and tap on the agreement, then Next
- Tap Install to download Gear VR software
You did it! Once the software is ready to use, you will see the Oculus app in your app launcher.
Step by step instructions to introduce Gear VR software and connect your Gear VR controller
Now that you’ve configured the hardware and installed the software, it’s time to create your account and has some fun!
- Open the Oculus app on your phone
- Sign in with your Facebook account
- Tap Update Now to get the latest Gear VR software
- Tap Connect and press the Home button on your Gear VR controller to connect
- Calibrate your Gear VR controller using the on-screen video guide
- Tap left-hand right or right-hand to set gear VR controller priority
And you’re done! Your Gear VR is now fully ready for use.
Important Note: The Oculus app requires your Gear VR to use the highest resolution setting to display things in VR. You will be prompted to enable “WQHD +” on your phone immediately, which is a display mode that is in use and uses more power. When you’re not using Gear VR, you’ll want to return your resolution to the default “FHD +” that you call when you take it out of the box. For this change:
- Pull down your notification drawer and tap on Settings Gear
- Tape display
- Tap Screen Resolution
- Slide the green dot from WQHD + to FHD +