In this game, you will help a woman when she will in trouble she will invite you and she will voice you her trouble and she will tell you to try to understand my trouble then you will understand her and you will try to remove her problem. You will be helping that woman so some fighter will come to you and they will start to fight with you.
You can also save from those weapons but the woman which you were saying she will save from those weapons. Then you will understand her problem and you will want to go to save her you cannot save her if you want to her so you will fight with both fighter like Big Fish’s and small fish’s, Monsters, Fire Monster, Air Monster, etc.
If you want to save her son, First you will aim to train to fight then you can save. If you fought with all Monster so you cannot fight with the last Monster because that was very fight-able for this reason you cannot fight with that monster and you fought with the last monster then You will call the Super Meat Boy.
Features Of Celeste Game
- The top players will success
- Get money in this game
- Save from those weapons
- Read the story of this game
- The Super Meat Boy
- Focus on narrative story
- Kill Screen noted
- Think about this game each time.
The story of this game is very interest-able if you will read story of this game you will want to play this game and after reading story of this game so, when you will operate your laptop and computer you will play this game and if you played this game first time so, you will think about this game each time.
System Requirement
- Operating system: Windows 7/8/Vista/XP/10 or newer
- CPU: Processor Intel Core i3 M380
- RAM: 2 GB
- Version: 1.0
- Hard Disk Space: 1200 MB
Download Link
Download: Here