After reading How To Solve 500 Internal Server Error then you will able to solve this issue by yourself. You would have faced this problem many times when you are surfing on your internet browser, right?
No worries at all. I will let you know what this problem is actually and how to solve it.
500 Error on Internet
The 500 error you are facing, is a very general HTTP status code. What happens when something has gone wrong on the website server.
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This server error message can be seen in a variety of ways. because each website is allowed to customize the message. Some of the most commonly seen ways of the HTTP 500 error are:
- 500. That is an error
- HTTP Error 500
- 500 Error
- HTTP 500 Internal Error
- Internal Server Error
- Temporary Error (500)
- HTTP 500 – Internal Server Error
- 500 Internal Server Error
How To Solve 500 Internal Server Error
This message of 500 Internal Error is generated by the website you are visiting. You can see one in any browser you are using for your internet access.
The 500 Internal Server Error is a “server-side” error. That doesn’t mean the problem is with the PC or Laptop you’re using or your internet, stay relaxed for that. The problem is with the website’s server.
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Though troubleshooting or resolving duty of this issue is not yours, there are some few things you can do to resolve it.
- Retry the web page by clicking the refresh button.
- Or reload it by trying the URL from the address bar again. Even though 500 Internal Server Error is reporting a general error on the website’s server, not your personal computer that you can worry about.
- Trying to reload or refresh the page might resolve the issue.
- Clear your browser’s cache. If there is a problem with the cached version of the page you’re viewing, it could be causing the HTTP 500 issue on your browser.
- Delete your browser’s cookies and restart your browser. Some 500 Internal Server issues can be corrected by this.
Source By: WestHost
These steps might solve this HTTP Internal Server Issue. Did I help you? Do let me know in the comments.