Tier List League of Legends Updated 2024 [ Characters Ranked ]

Tier List League of Legends’s diverse cast pulsates with skill. There you will find each fighter powerful and headmaster to flick off any guy you want.

However, the competitive area hit subtle, calling a dynamic “tiers”.

Tier List League of Legends Updated 2024

Tier List League of Legends
Tier List League of Legends

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Top Tier

Darius: Unrelenting juggernaut. Crushes opponents under his might. Make a tier list League of Legends
Zed: Shadowy assassin slices through enemies. Deadly precision. Make a tier list League of Legends
Kai'Sa: Evolving markswoman dominates late game. Explosive damage. Make a tier list League of Legends
Thresh: Masterful hook champion controls the battlefield. Lantern and soul binds. Make a tier list League of Legends
Lee Sin: High-skill acrobat jungler outplays enemies. Dazzling kicks and wards. Make a tier list League of Legends

High Tier

Garen: Simple yet effective, Garen spins to victory. Constant pressure. Make a tier list League of Legends
Ahri: Charming fox mage outmaneuvers foes. Mobility and trickery. Make a tier list League of Legends
Jhin: Artful gunslinger paints his kills. Calculated bullets and traps. Make a tier list League of Legends
Leona: Fierce tank support stuns and engages. Leading the charge headfirst. Make a tier list League of Legends
Elise: Shapeshifting spider queen controls the map. Ganks with venom and webs. Make a tier list League of Legends

Mid Tier

Fiora: Duelist extraordinaire dismantles opponents. Precise parries and ripostes. Make a tier list League of Legends
Orianna: Clockwork mage orchestrates zoning. Burst damage with robotic precision. Make a tier list League of Legends
Ezreal: Safe and versatile marksman. Pokes enemies from afar with mystical shots. Make a tier list League of Legends
Nautilus: Anchored titan locks down enemies. Peels for allies with unmatched CC. Make a tier list League of Legends
Nunu & Willump: Devouring yeti jungler disrupts enemy flow. Snowball magic and consume. Make a tier list League of Legends

Lower Tier

Camille: Make a tier list League of Legends
Syndra: Make a tier list League of Legends
Ashe: Make a tier list League of Legends
Bard: Make a tier list League of Legends
Graves: Make a tier list League of Legends

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